Sep 7, 2012


Well this is long overdue...

Let me begin by telling just a sprinkle of sugar about my summer. I have to say it was one to remember. I spent six weeks in Argentina with the Christian organization I'm involved with--called Cru [or known as Campus Crusade for Christ]. While over there, I shared the Gospel all summer with students of University of Buenos Aires and was blessed to help build up a college ministry for ones who have no Christian community whatsoever.
  I worked on the Economics Campus  in BA

 During the six weeks while I was living in Buenos Aires I saw God do some incredible things not only in the big city, but also in my life. He blew me away with His grace and love. I was blessed to personally see 4 girls come to know Jesus Christ! And our Summer Project team of 24 saw 20 people come to Christ over the few short weeks we were there!! It was absolutely incredible how our Holy God used us sinners to be a part of bringing people to His Kingdom. God has big plans for the lost city of Buenos Aires and we continue to hear confirmation of that even after we left.

 Some of these girls here gave their live to Christ and are currently growing and learning more about God's Word and what it means to be a Christian as they're involved with Vida Estudiantil [Cru].

 It was very challenging and exhausting at times, but it was an experience of a lifetime. It's also an experience that is hard to put into words. Our team was very close and during those tough moments of spiritual warfare or weakness, we were able to encourage and pray for one another. The Lord has definitely given me a passion for the Spanish culture and for traveling and while there-- I fell in love with Jesus all over again.
 Our team.


"Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For, being ignorant of the righteousness of God, and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to God's righteousness. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
For Moses writes about the righteousness that is based on the law, that the person who does the commandments shall live by them. But the righteousness based on faith says, “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’” (that is, to bring Christ down) “or ‘Who will descend into the abyss?’” (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”

Here's our Buenos Aires Summer Project's video, to get more of a picture of our team.